The Meaning and Significance of Swastik

The Swastikis a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon. Swastik has been Sanatan Dharma’s symbol of auspiciousness – mangalya since time immemorial. The name swastika comes from Sanskrit (Devanagari: स्वस्तिक, pronounced: swastik) and denotes "conducive to wellbeing or auspicious".



The Word Swastik Has A Definite Etymological Orgin In Sanaskrit. It is derived from the roots su – meaning “well or auspicious” and as meaning “being”.

Su asti yena tat swastika

Swastik is that symbol through which everything auspicious occurs. 
Scholars believe the word’s origin in the Vedas, known as the Swastimantra;

Aum swasti na indro vruddhasharvaha swasti nah pusha vishvavedaha
Swastinastarkshyo arishtanemihi swastino bruhaspatirdadhatu.

O famed Indra, redeem us. O Pusha, the beholder of all knowledge, redeem us. Redeem us O Garudji, of limitless speed and O Bruhaspati, redeem us. This can be represented as a figure in the manner discussed below.

Swastik’s Cosmic Origin    

The Swastika represents the living creation in the whole Cosmos. Hindu astronomers divide the ecliptic circle of the Cosmos in 27 divisions known as Nakshatras (asterisms). They are named after a prominent start or asterism in respective part of the Zodiac.

Opposite Chitra nakshatra lies Revati, the last and 27th asterism. Its presiding deity is Pusha.
Midway between Chitra and Revati, lies the 22nd, Shravan nakshatra. Its presiding deity is Vishnu, represented by his vehicle Garud (cited in the mantra above as arishtanemi)
Midway from Revati, towards Chitra lies Pushya, the 8th nakshatra, whose presiding deity is Bruhaspati.
In this manner, a cross forms in four directions in the celestial sky. At the center of this cross is Dhruva (Pole star).

In a line from Dhruva, the starts known as Saptarishi can be observed. Saptarishi Means Seven Rishis (sapta - rishis). In the present yuga of Vaivasvat Manu, the seven rishis are

(1)   Gautam
(2)   Bhardhvaj
(3)   Vishvamitra
(4)   Kashyap
(5)   Jamadagni
(6)   Vasishtha
(7)   Atri

A smaller start lies next to Vasishtha, which is Arundhati, his wife.  These Saptarishis revolve (perform pradakshina) around Dhruva. 

By drawing a line connecting the cross and the Saptarishis, the swastika is formed. In this way, the whole cosmos is incorporated in the swastika. When the swastika is imprinted during a Puja ritual, the underlying sentiment is of veneration to all the living creation in the whole Cosmos, represented by the seven rishis.

Swastik in Rituals

1.      Being an auspicious symbol with such inherently profound sentiments, the swastika is therefore used during puja rites and ritual by Hindus. They imprint this using dry or wet kumkum on new articles, appliances, vehicles, entrance of a new business premises or home, etc.  The underlying sentiment is that “let the article (being offered pujan) be redemptive (kalyankari) in life, not only for mundane purpose, but also to aid one on the spiritual path, towards moksha. Ultimately, for an aspirant any article, whether a PC or a car, should enable him/her to progress towards moksha. This is in consonance with Sanatan Dharma’s ideal of attaining the four endeavours (purusharthas) of life; dharma, artha, kama ad moksha.           

2.      The swastika symbolizes mangalya – auspiciousness, peace, harmony and success in all ventures embarked upon in life.

3.      Swastik is a symbolic form of Aum-kar.

4.      It is a symbol of sacredness which wards off evil elements and heralds good fortune.

5.      Swastik is imprinted on doorways of houses and ingrained in the flooring of mandirs as symbolic form of auspiciousness.

6.      It depicts; Surya, the “wheel of life” and four directions.
       In India, the swastika has eternally embodied the following sentiments;

7.      Kalyan (ultimate liberation) – swasti – auspicious, kalyan, ka – doer – one that bestows kalian

8.      Man’s quest to attain spiritual knowledge

9.      Prayer on behalf of all jivas for moksha

10.  Encompasses the whole cosmos.

11.  A symbol of Lakshmidevi of wealth.

12.  A symbol of Vishnu. Its four bars represent Vishnu’s four hands and Vishnu is the protector of the four directions (Vishnu Purana

13.  Protection from the four directions.

14.  Symbol Representing Sanatan Dharma and its sentiment of peace and moksha for all mankind. 


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