Significance of Shraddh Explained By Vinayak Bhatt
Shraddh - Offerings To Ancestors Shraddh is a ritual of offering food to please the pitrus (manes) and for their spiritual beneficence. Vasus, Rudras and Adityas are devatas and pitrus of shraddh (Yajnavalkya smruti I/269). They are gratified by the Sofferings, which they pass on to the pitrus wherever they may be. Respectively, the three deities represent the father ( pita ), paternal grandfather ( pitamaha ) and paternal great grandfather ( p|rapitamaha ) (manu smurti 3/284). The shastras cite that the ritual of shraddh originated with Vishnu during his Varaha (boar) avatar and that Vishnu dwells in the three pins offered to the three aforementioned pitrus (Mahabharat shanti parva 345/14-21, Vishnudharmottar I/239/14-16) Belief The act of offering food balls to the three ancestors necessarily requires that, in an ethereal body they are still able to enjoy the tanmatra -essence-of the balls, years after demise. The pitrus being pleased then bestow on their l...
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