The 2nd Day of Navratri-Worship Devi Brahmacharini

Navratri Day 2: Devi Brahmacharini 

On the second day of Navratri, Devi Brahmacharini is worshiped. Goddess Parvati took birth second time at the home of DakshaPrajapati. Goddess Parvati was great sati in this form and was worshipped as goddess Brahmacharini. She holds a Kamandal in her left and a rosary in her right hand.It is said that this form of Goddess is very radiant and majestic and give an infinite result.

Brahmacharini during Navratri

At the behest of DevrishiNaradji, she had a hard penance to get Lord Shiva in the form of a husband.As a result, she became the wife of God Shiva. Due to this difficult austerity of the Goddess, she was known by the name of ascetic Brahmacharini. Brahma means that austerity (तपस्या)andcharini means to behave.

Those who worship Goddess Brahmacharini during Navratri with full devotion, increase the chastity, renunciation, devotion, virtue and restraint in them.The provider of all fortunes, Mangal(Mars) is said to be governed by Goddess Brahmacharini.

Mantra - (108 times recitation suggested) 

Om Devi BrahmacharinyaiNamah

ॐह्रीमश्रीब्रह्मचारिणीदुर्गायैनमः |
Om Hreem Shri Brahamacharini Durgaaye Namaha

Maa Brahmacharini Prarthana Mantra

Dadhana Kara Padmabhyamakshama laKamandalu
Devi PrasidatuMayiBrahmacharinyanuttama

MaaBrahmacharini StutiMantra

Ya Devi SarvabhuteshuMaaBrahmachariniRupenaSamsthita

Navratri is a very special occasion. This is the time for new beginnings and offering your dedication and reverence to the Goddess Shakti. Performing Durga Saptashati Yagya during Navratrigives great results and the person is blessed with strength and good fortune.


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